Are Fromm tools the best strapping tools in the world?

We switched into Fromm packaging tools because they just hold up longer then anything else out there.  The parts cost more then Signode or Orgapack, but we don’t change them nearly as often.  They have a lower cost of ownership.

Their tools are great for steel service centers.  The Fromm A452 is the best pneumatic pusher tool (used on rewind and eye tie lines), with the Fromm pistol grip sealer.  There is a new company out there making a A452 style with a battery instead of a pneumatic line.  We will link live to Golden Bear after we test their tensioner.

The new plastic tools are great!  The P326 and P327 are lithium battery powered combination tools for polyester strapping, and they put great tension.  The earlier models had trouble with motors, but Fromm pack seems to have taken care of the problems.  They also take abuse well, and handle drops, and unfortunately being used as a hammer…  The P330 is for 1″ polyester strapping and is a monster!  It is a great tool, but is very heavy.  Ok heavy is relative, it is just about 13 pounds, so not heavy compared to the A483 combo tool for steel strapping which is more like 40 pounds…